Author Interview with Stacy Townend


Welcome Readers to another installment of our author interview series. Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Stacy T. Townend, author of two historical fiction books.

JMR-Welcome to the Books Delight, Stacy. Tell our readers where you live, what you do for fun and what does the perfect day look like?

STT- I live in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. I enjoy reading and supporting other authors. Spending time with my wife after a busy working week. We enjoy going for a walk with our little Westie & maybe calling for a beer at a local pub. Spending time planning our holidays. 3 booked so far for 2024. The first of which is this month for my birthday.

JMR-What’s your favorite historical time period? Why?

STT- I have a few, of course I love the era I write about with Mercia, Northumberland and Viking raiders scouring the lands. I also enjoy reading books around the Roman conquest of Britain. I still have a tender spot for the Napoleonic era the battles and fights of the wars.

JMR-Who is your favorite historical figure? Why? If you could ask them one question, what would it be?

STT- Wooo great question, I think I would like to meet Lord Wellington & ask him about his earlier military career during India. Particularly the battle of Assaye, in later life he claimed it was his finest battlefield accomplishment.

JMR- How did you come to be a writer of historical fiction?

STT- By pure accident. I have been fortunate to support authors new and established with advance reviews and beta reads. This provided me with a new set of online friends and some great reading. One author MJ Porter whose series I was currently reading asked me if I could pick a character from the book for another series who would I pick. I provided some notes and plot idea. MJ liked it and said why don’t you have a go yourself. I laughed to myself sat on the idea for around 6 months then decided to have a go. 10 months later I had my first book ready and with support from MJ had it formatted and a book cover.  It was a joy writing the 1st book. I never realized how much work a writer had to do to bring the joy of a story to readers. I had never considered writing historical fiction. I used to make up stories for my children and have a couple written down, though I have never progressed them.

JMR- How does your ‘day job’ impact or influence your writing?

STT- I have worked for my local council 21 years and held the role of Electoral Officer I currently work as a Recycling Officer, within this role I undertake talks & presentations to schools and adult community groups. I also have to write reports and create workshops & presentations. I think my current role has helped me become more confident and aware of my own skill sets which gave me the boost to actually try and write my first book. Writing is a very difficult journey with high & low points, targets to meet and accuracy. My current role is similar with deadlines on reports that must be accurate. Intense busy periods with normal duties and meetings late at night. Getting used to my role made planner my writing schedule so much easier.

JMR- Did you visit anyone of the places in your book? Where did you feel closest to your characters?

STT- I visited a section of Offa’s Dyke last summer near Chirk (Wales). Close to the border of England and not far from Holt & Farndon which appear in the books. I drove through Holt though did not have time to stop. Visiting the dyke and standing on it, looking at how big it was. It was a great feeling and provided me some additional background and a change in the plot of book 2 “The Revenge”. It also provided me additional work/plot notes for the 3rd installment “The Justice.” I also visited Gargrave near Skipton which provided some additional story notes for book 2. Nothing like standing in an historical place to feed your imagination. As I stood upon the dyke near Chirk I envisaged myself as Oswi with his faithful warriors around him as the enemy attacked screaming and shouting shield, sword, and axe in hand. Visiting locations is very worthwhile and stimulates your writing ideas.

JMR- Stacy, tell us about your new book, The Revenge.

STT- The Revenge continues with the story of Oswi a loyal warrior of Merica. The action starts with King Offa, Oswi and his warriors heading south to battle King Wattus and the Heastingas tribe who are invading the Sussex lands. The story moves on and is focused on Oswi, Afan of Powy’s & Healfden of the raiders. The three strands are all seeking Revenge from the battles and deaths in The Betrayal (Book 1). Other new characters are drawn into the fray. Who will survive and who will get the revenge they seek.

JMR-What projects do you have in the pipeline?

STT- I am currently trying my hand at a small novella. The story will focus one of the new characters of The Revenge. It will be a stand-alone story but, in the timeline, fits easily between Book 2 & 3. Book 3 will be started in spring of this year and will continue with the adventures of Oswi and his family & friends as the construction of the dyke begins. The story will focus on Oswi and his warriors along with Afan of Powy’s.  I had originally planned on three books for the series The Mercian Tales. Though I have some additional ideas to expand the series should they prove successful. I am currently undertaking some research about the dyke before I start the write.

JMR- Tell our readers how to find you on social media and the web.

STT- I can be found on Facebook & X via my name Stacy Townend. I am also on Threads/Discord/Goodreads under my name. This is the link to my account on WordPress. I use all of the above to reach out about my books.

JMR- What question were you hoping I’d ask but didn’t?


JMR- Thank you, Stacy, for stopping by. Your books look really great! Readers, I’ve included a link to Stacy’s books below. Please be sure to check them out.


