Fried Chicken Castaneda by Suzanne Stauffer


Thank you to the author, Suzanne Stauffer, for a review copy of Fried Chicken Castaneda.

Fried Chicken Castaneda by Suzanne Stauffer

Genre: Historical Fiction/ Adventure/Mystery

Published: March 2023

Pages: 274

Available: Paperback/ebook

Series: Yes, #1

Romance:💖 sweet

Violence:😱 nothing too graphic

The short story: Fun, flirty historical adventure with a cozy mystery

Set in the 1920s, this historical adventure/mystery is set in the exotic locale of Las Vegas, New Mexico. Unflappable Prudence Bates, a college-educated librarian from Cleveland, Ohio, longs for something more than just marriage, kids, and domestic bliss. She wants adventure. Taking a chance, she leaves behind her widowed mother and wannabe lover, Wally, for the chance to work as a tour guide for the Fred Harvey Detours company.

Written with a snappy pace, this fun story follows the ensuing adventures of the plucky Prudence, a highly likable young lady. The author's writing is highly descriptive as she immerses the reader in late 1920s fashions, social normal and lifestyles. Friendly and engaging, Prudence is a well-drawn character who quickly gets the reader on her side as her inquisitive nature finds her involved in a criminal investigation. The author's command of place and time drew me  into the story and I loved that Prudence saw and rejected the bigotry of time and treated everyone she met as a person worthy of her time and attention. Although it’s clear who the ‘bad guys’ are, I enjoyed the mystery and it’s resolution. The author uses a love at first sight trope which normally I find off-putting but she managed to convince me that Prudence and her guy were the real deal. 

I highly recommend this historical fiction/ adventure mystery to reader who enjoy a well told tale. 

I rate this book 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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