Haunting Patagonia by Eva Newcastle


Haunting Patagonia by Eva Newcastle

Published: October 2020

Genre: Historical Fantasy Fiction

Pages: 288

Available: Ebook & Paperback


Thank you to author Eva Newcastle for providing me with a copy of her book for review.

Haunting Patagonia is a dual time line story set-in modern-day Chicago/Argentina and the years before World War I. It’s the story of Angeni, whose home remodeling business has failed due to economic hard times. She’s single and struggles with relationships with family and friends. When she takes a job at the Field Museum she meets Dr. Leonardo Diaz, the Chief Paleontologist of Argentina as he and his team assemble a dinosaur display. Sparks fly, and Angeni is draw to him.

In the second story, Angeline, daughter of a wealthy Chicago businessman, agrees to marry the son of a German Industrialist to get him out of Germany before the war and to help him establish himself in America. It’s a business deal for both Angeline and Frederich. The couple move to Buenos Aires to take advantage of business opportunities in Argentina. At a party, Angeline meets the handsome Orlando who is leading an expedition to search for fossils. Their mutual attraction is undeniable. To say much more would spoil the story.

Slowly at first, the reader is drawn into the complicated lives of these two women as Newcastle gently picks at the threads, unraveling their past, then skillfully reweaving them into an interlocking story of fate, omens and undying love.

The story is dense and beautifully told. It’s a book to savor, not rush through as the author drops hints and teases us with what we do not know until it all comes together in a brilliant ending. 

Readers who enjoy historical fiction, historical fantasy fiction, great love stories will love this book.

I give this book: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


