Muskets and Minuets by Lindsey Fera


Welcome to a stop on the Coffee Pot Book Tour for Muskets and Minuets by Lindsey Fera. I read this book last year and really enjoyed it. We have a fantastic excerpt to get you excited about the revolutionary book!

The Details 

Book Title: Muskets and Minuets

Author: Lindsey S. Fera

Publication Date: 19th October 2021

Publisher: Zenith Publishing (imprint of GenZ Publishing)

Page Length: 486 Pages

Genre: Historical Fiction



The Blurb 

Love. Politics. War.

Amidst mounting tensions between the British crown and the American colonists of Boston, Annalisa Howlett struggles with her identity and purpose as a woman. Rather than concern herself with proper womanly duties, like learning to dance a minuet or chasing after the eligible and charming Jack Perkins, Annalisa prefers the company of her brother, George, and her beloved musket, Bixby. She intends to join the rebellion, but as complications in her personal life intensify, and the colonies inch closer to war with England, everything Annalisa thought about her world and womanhood are transformed forever.

Join Annalisa on her journey to discover what it truly means to be a woman in the 18th century, all set against the backdrop of some of the most pivotal moments in American history.



Trigger Warnings:

Violence and battle scenes, sexual assault, mild sexual content, and profanity.



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Author Bio:


A born and bred New Englander, Lindsey hails from the North Shore of Boston. A member of the Topsfield Historical Society and the Historical Novel Society, she forged her love for writing with her intrigue for colonial America by writing her debut novel, Muskets and Minuets. When she's not attending historical reenactments or spouting off facts about Boston, she's nursing patients back to health in the ICU.



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The Excerpt 

In the dimmed twilight, Annalisa paced the foyer of her house. The old clock chimed half-eight. George had left the farm mid-morning. When will he return? Will he return? 

A boulder overtook her stomach. She would have joined her own militia had Mamma not held her hostage with her sisters. 

Certainly, the Danvers minute marched… 

Galloping hooves sounded from the lane and Annalisa ran outside with a lantern. When she met the path, she gasped.

Jack rode Frederick, and George, looking rather limp, held onto his waist. All air left her lungs.

“What’s happened to George?” Briny tears dripped onto her neck and chest. 

Jack dismounted. “He’s been wounded. We need a doctor.” 

She ran toward them, and a sudden terror paralyzed her from touching George. “Was there a battle?” The lantern rattled in her hands, and she threw her arms around Jack. “Tell me George will live.” She inhaled the gunpowder on his clothes and the salty sweat from his neck. 

“Dear heart.” Jack held her. “Please, we must get him a doctor. And yes, there was a battle.” 

“Yes. Of course.” She reluctantly pulled from him and her mind cleared. “This way. I’ll have Henry call on Dr. Brown.” 

They led Frederick up to the house, whereupon Jack aided George from the horse’s mount. 

“Annie? ’Tis but a scratch.” George’s head slowly lifted and he grinned, but his vacant stare chilled her.


Annalisa squeezed his bloodied hand. “This is far more than a scratch, dear brother.” She helped Jack, who walked with a considerable limp, haul George indoors. “Henry! Come quick.” 

Her youngest brother appeared from the parlor with Mary. “My God, what’s happened?” 

“You must ride to Dr. Brown’s at once. George is wounded from battle. Frederick is right outside but he’s ridden a long way. Perhaps take Dinah.” 

“Of course.” Henry rushed past them and out the front door. 

“Into the drawing room.” Mary led the way and cleared off the pillows from the sofa. 

Annalisa and Jack helped lay George on the sofa. “You foolish oaf.” She pulled off his shoes and threw them to the floor, then knelt by his head. “You fool. How could you sustain an injury like this? What sort of minuteman are you?” Her hand collected the perspiration at his brows and a lump formed at her throat. 

He cannot die. He cannot leave me. Not George, God. Please, do not take my George. 

George chuckled darkly. “The kind who will bear his scars with pride.” 

“The kind who nearly lost consciousness just outside of Danvers. I didn’t think we’d make it.” Jack tightened a cravat tied about George’s bicep. “He’s bled much since Concord. 

Mamma and Papa rushed into the drawing room with Jane, Addy, and Liza. 

“What’s happened?” Jane asked. 

“Henry’s gone for Dr. Brown,” Mary said. 

“I’ll retrieve some yarrow while we await Dr. Brown.” Addy fled the drawing room. 

“My dearest Georgie!” Mamma flung herself to his side, and Annalisa stood and backed into Jack. He tugged her hand and pulled her near the spinet. 

Papa approached Annalisa. “Annie, why don’t you see to Mr. Perkins. Get him a horse to take him home. No doubt Lord and Lady Perkins are anxious to see him.” 

She shook her head and forced away the tears in her eyes. “I cannot. Not until Dr. Brown’s arrived. I must know George is being cared for—” 

“Nonsense, young lady. Cared for!” Mamma cried. “Imagine what she means by such a statement. Cared for. Of course, George is being cared for. Now listen to your Papa and go to. Go to!” 

Annalisa and Jack left the house. She drew up her lantern and led him down the path to the barn. Before entering, she stopped and turned.  

“’Tis finally happened.” 

“It has. The minuteman band is unharmed…mostly. They’re spending tonight at Cooper Tavern outside Menotomy. I expect they’ll return either tomorrow or the next.” He brushed her tears with his gunpowder-stained thumb. “And I know George will survive this. He’s a sturdy minuteman.” 

The lantern rattled in her quivering hands. Jack took the light and set it on the ground, and embraced her. Quelled by the chorus of spring peepers from the bog across the lane, she rested her head upon his chest and listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart. 

Guilt overtook her. I should have been there with my militia. What will I do if there are injuries among them? 

“I cannot believe it has really happened.” Annalisa sniffled. “But you kept your promise. You returned.” 

“I did.” He stepped back. “I hate to leave you in such a state, but I must see to my family.” 

“Yes.” She looked down. “Your leg.”  

He forced a smile. “It will heal.”


“Let me tend to it. You cannot ride home like that.” 

“I’ve already ridden the longest way. To go a bit farther is nothing compared to Concord.” 

“You’re still bleeding.” 

With the lantern, she hurried to her garden, plucked a handful of yarrow, then scurried behind the barn where she pumped water into a pail. 

Inside the barn, Jack sat upon a large wooden crate. She knelt, and place the lantern and bucket before him. Annalisa unbuckled and kicked off one shoe, and lifted her petticoats. She untied the ribbon above her knee and rolled down the stocking, removing it entirely. 

“I’ll be quick. I can’t keep you from your family any longer.” 

“It would hardly be a terrible way to spend my night, considering what I’ve seen today.” Jack smiled, though she suspected his heart ached. 

She plunged the sock into the fresh pail of water and wrung it out. With nimble fingers, she rolled down his stocking and washed away the blood. “’Tis not too deep. Did a ball do this?” 

He nodded. “It looks worse than it is.” 

Annalisa held the yarrow leaves and flowers to his wound and wrapped her damp stocking around his leg. “Next time, you must return without injury. You and my brother.” 

“I’ll try.” Jack chuckled. “But I will not make promises I cannot keep.” 

She finished tying the bandage and stood with hands on her hips. “I suppose that will suffice if it means you can be here alive.” 

“I should hope so.” 

She wiped her hands on her apron. “Please, ride Frederick home. Henry will retrieve him tomorrow.” 

“Thank you. My leg will be better for your care.” He paused. “I fear the worst is yet to come.” Before leading her from the barn, he lifted her hand and kissed it, his lips lingering long enough to signify he’d rather remain with her. “Adieu, my dearest friend.” 

She twisted her petticoats with apprehension as he mounted George’s horse and rode into the deepening night. 


  1. A massive thank you for hosting the blog tour for Muskets and Minuets.
    All the best,
    Mary Anne
    The Coffee Pot Book Club


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