LSBBT Uvalde Raider by Ben H. English
A Templar Family Novel
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Texas influenced your writing in any way?
How could it not influence my writing?
am an eighth-generation Texan, coming from a long line of pioneers, cowboys,
peace officers, and military members. That influence has been there from the
day of my birth and every single day since. Everything I have written is
Texas-centric, specifically West Texas.
I sit down to tell a story, I have one goal in mind: to share the sagas of the
people whom I come from, to an audience made up of fellow descendants of those
same sort of people, and to do so authentically and without apology.
without my fellow Texans and this singular land that spawned them, I would
really not have much I’d care to write about.
did your love of books, reading and writing come from?
have been many influences helping in that development, coming from friends,
mentors, teachers, family members and others who understood the importance of
books worth reading.
I suppose my two greatest influences were my grandfather, as well as my father.
My grandfather had only a fifth-grade education but read voraciously and shared
his books with me starting at a young age.
father was much the same way, though he did graduate high school and even had a
chance to attend West Point. He could converse on a variety of subjects that
would put most college professors to shame. I can recall him saying that if all
you have to read is a cereal box, then read it. You’ll learn something.
also taught me the best education of all is an actively engaged self-education.
kind of writing do you do?
write both fiction and non-fiction, in somewhat equal portions. My non-fiction
has been about my rearing and life in the Big Bend country. My family has been
here since at least the early 1880s and were men and women of the land one and
all. It is my birthright, and I still spend every moment available prowling
through its environs.
fiction consists of a dozen volume historical series, two of which have already
been published. Again, they are Texas-centric concerning a family that first
comes here during Spanish rule, and of their lives and challenges as the
centuries pass by. There is a great deal of fact contained within my fiction, persons,
and events that most Texans usually have little knowledge of.
you a full time or part time author? How does that affect your writing?
retired now, I consider myself only a part-time writer as I have so many
competing interests that tend to distract me. I have never been one whose life
is made up solely of an office, a lectern, or a computer monitor.
four walls can only be there so long before they start closing in. So I end up
grabbing a pack, a rifle or a set of wrenches to put my mind to other pursuits.
bit of advice concerning writing: The more successful you become, the more the
business side of that success will eat into your available time to write.
of that business, the most essential part, are your readers. They are more
important than all the literary critics, agents, blogs, awards, advertising, or
workshops put together.
you do anything else, take care of your readers. They are the ones who brought
you to the dance, and without them you are a writer that no one reads.
do your plans for future projects include?
mentioned before my historical novel series, and that two volumes have already
been published. Those would be Destiny’s Way, first in this series
and now The Uvalde Raider.
third volume is in the works. It is tentatively entitled Cristeros,
regarding the ‘La Cristiada’ rebellion in Mexico, and of a group of
refugees fleeing retribution to relocate in Texas.
these future novels will have a great deal of history inside their covers.
Together they tell the story of the Templar clan, and how their tales weave
through the different times and challenges such strong-willed families faced.
character is based upon someone I’ve known. Either while growing up in the Big
Bend, my two hitches in the Marines, my career as a peace officer, or in my
subsequent wanderings following retirement. They say there are no heroes left.
Well, there are. But you have to share their company and know of their deeds to
realize so.
am also writing another non-fiction book about my years in the Texas Highway
Patrol. It will not be so much about myself as those others who gave their all,
including their lives. This is not easy for me to write but it needs to be
written, especially with what is happening in our country at present.
stated before, there are still heroes in our midst. I just pray that I do right
by them.
you have a mantra for writing and/or for life?
think like men of action,
to act like men of thought!
live life with intensity,
a passion for excellence!”
reckon that about says it all.

for direct links to each stop on the tour, updated daily, or visit the blogs directly:
6/28/21 |
Review |
6/28/21 |
Kick-off Promo |
6/29/21 |
BONUS Promo |
6/29/21 |
Author Interview |
6/29/21 |
Excerpt |
6/30/21 |
Review |
6/30/21 |
Character Spotlight |
7/1/21 |
Review |
7/1/21 |
Guest Post |
7/2/21 |
Review |
7/2/21 |
Series Spotlight |
This sounds like a great story by a fascinating author. Love a guy that can say "I reckon" and it WORKS! Thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteNice interview. I always enjoy getting to know more about an author.