Coffee Pot Book Tour: Songbird by Karen Heenan


Welcome to a stop on the Coffee Pot Blog tour for Songbird by Karen Heenan. I have a blurb and and review to share with you today. 

The Details:

Book Title: Songbird 
Series: The Tudor Court, Book I
Author: Karen Heenan
Narrator: Jennifer Summerfield
Publication Date: November 3, 2019
Publisher:  Authors4Authors Publishing Cooperative
Page Length: 300 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction

Author Bio:

Karen Heenan was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. She fell in love with books and stories before she could read, and has wanted to write for nearly as long. After far too many years in a cubicle, she set herself free to follow her dreams—which include gardening, sewing, traveling and, of course, lots of writing.

She lives in Lansdowne, PA, not far from Philadelphia, with two cats and a very patient husband, and is always hard at work on her next book.

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The Blurb: 

She has the voice of an angel... 

But one false note could send her back to her old life of poverty. 

After her father sells her to Henry VIII, ten-year-old Bess builds a new life as a royal minstrel, and earns the nickname "the king's songbird." 

She comes of age in the dangerous Tudor court, where the stakes are always high, and where politics, heartbreak, and disease threaten everyone from the king to the lowliest musician. 

Her world has only one constant: Tom, her first and dearest friend. But when Bess intrigues with Anne Boleyn and strains against the restrictions of life at court, will she discover that the biggest risk of all is listening to her own stubborn heart?

My Review

The plot in brief: A ten-year-old girl sings for her king. Enchanted by her untrained voice, he buys her from her father. Bess is distraught but quickly comes to realize she been given the chance at a better life. Together with her best friend Tom, she watches the unfolding drama of the Tudor court. As she matures, her journey to love takes her places she'd never dreamt even as her heart denies her true feelings.  

The Characters: From the moment I met Bess I was drawn to her spunky character. Heenan has created a wonderful cast of believable characters which will entrance her readers. You quickly find yourself cheering on Bess and Tom even as she makes very human mistakes. The Tudor court is brought to life with a deft hand as King Henry and Anne Boleyn play out their deadly affair and marriage. 

The History: The Tudor period is probably one of the most written about time frames. It was a glorious time to be a King or a wealthy courtier. But it is refreshing to read about the common folk. I enjoyed seeing the palace intrigue play out from the view point of Bess and Tom. The author's command of history show that she has done her research. The highs and lows of society spring from the pages with an authentic feel. 

The Writing: Very well written and edited. The pace is steady with no slow spots. I found myself zipping along eager to see where Bess would take me.

Overall: I loved it! I highly recommend this book to lovers of historical fiction. Readers of Tudor fiction will delight in this book. 

Rating: I give this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 Stars

Readers I know you are going to want to buy this book. Below are buy links for various book sellers. Click the Amazon button for the US.


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Audio Buy Links:

Narrated by Jennifer Summerfield

 AudibleAuthors DirectNookHooplaApple BooksKoboScribdGoogle PlayAmazon


Check out Songbird on my Historical Fiction Bookshelves as well other great novels.

Check out all the stops of Songbird's book tour:





  1. I am so glad you enjoyed Songbird. It is such a fabulous book.
    Thank you so much for hosting today's blog stop.


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